Skillstreaming the Adolescent

Skill Cards
Skill Cards (Set of 400 cards)
ISBN: 9780878223886
Item Number: 4957


Convenient 3×5″ cue cards designed for student use during group sessions and homework assignments.

The cards list the behavioral steps for each of the 50 skills contained in the Skillstreaming the Adolescent program. Eight cards are provided for each skill (400 total cards).

NOTE: It is essential for successful implementation of this curriculum to first have the program book (Skillstreaming the Adolescent: A Guide for Teaching Prosocial Skills) before attempting to utilize other Skillstreaming products.

Shown below is an episode of Prosocially Yours, a podcast produced by Research Press. In this episode, host Elizabeth Hess interviews educator and author, Dr. Ellen McGinnis, about the widely acclaimed Skillstreaming program.

Group I—Beginning Social Skills

  1. Listening
  2. Starting a Conversation
  3. Having a Conversation
  4. Asking a Question
  5. Saying Thank You
  6. Introducing Yourself
  7. Introducing Other People
  8. Giving a Compliment

Group II—Advanced Social Skills

  1. Asking for Help
  2. Joining In
  3. Giving Instructions
  4. Following Instructions
  5. Apologizing
  6. Convincing Others

Group III—Skills for Dealing with Feelings

  1. Knowing Your Feelings
  2. Expressing Your Feelings
  3. Understanding the Feelings of Others
  4. Dealing with Someone Else’s Anger
  5. Expressing Affection
  6. Dealing with Fear
  7. Rewarding Yourself

Group IV—Skill Alternatives to Aggression

  1. Asking Permission
  2. Sharing Something
  3. Helping Others
  4. Negotiating
  5. Using Self-Control
  6. Standing Up for Your Rights
  7. Responding to Teasing
  8. Avoiding Trouble with Others
  9. Keeping Out of Fights

Group V—Skills for Dealing with Stress

  1. Making A Complaint
  2. Answering a Complaint
  3. Being a Good Sport
  4. Dealing with Embarrassment
  5. Dealing with Being Left Out
  6. Standing Up for a Friend
  7. Responding to Persuasion
  8. Responding to Failure
  9. Dealing with Contradictory Messages
  10. Dealing with an Accusation
  11. Getting Ready for a Difficult Conversation
  12. Dealing with Group Pressure

Group VI—Planning Skills

  1. Deciding on Something to Do
  2. Deciding What Caused a Problem
  3. Setting a Goal
  4. Deciding on Your Abilities
  5. Gathering Information
  6. Arranging Problems by Importance
  7. Making a Decision
  8. Concentrating on a Task
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