
The PASSPORT Program

A Journey through Emotional, Social, Cognitive, and Self-Development
Grades 9-12
Pages: 288
ISBN: 9780878223770
Item Number: 5003

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An effective prevention curriculum that helps students in grades 9-12 learn positive mental health concepts by developing self-acceptance, personal relationship skills, problem-solving and decision-making strategies, and skills to deal with troublesome emotions.

This curriculum is designed to teach students what is normal for their age group and to help them learn effective strategies for dealing with the challenges and problems of growing up.

PASSPORT is a self-contained developmental curriculum containing numerous learning activities for use in classrooms or small-group settings. The activities can also be adapted for use in individual counseling.

The PASSPORT Program is strongly grounded in developmental theory and the principles of Rational-Emotive Behavior Therapy.

Book Reviews

“I found this book particularly helpful in supplementing our developmental counseling curriculum. The activities were fun, easy to implement, and fresh. I particularly enjoyed the inclusion of discussion questions. This made follow-up and reflection a simple process. This is an excellent resource.”

—Maria McCabe, INSIGHT, Illinois School Counselor’s Association Newsletter

“I am impressed by this collection of activities. Each activity is well thought out and is age appropriate for its intended grade level. Some activities require gathering materials that might not be ordinarily found within a counselor’s office or rearranging the room to set up a particular kind of environment, but most do not require significant levels of preparation, a plus for busy school psychologists/counselors. The activities are interesting, varied, and appealing to children.”

—Ruth E. Garbett, Global School Psychology Network

Grade 9
  1 Pieces of the Puzzle
  2 What's Important to Me?
  3 I'm Invincible
  4 What Does It Mean about Me?
Emotional Development
  1 Agreeable to Argumentative
  2 Mood Management
  3 The Emotional Roller Coaster
  4 Anger Is
Social Development
  1 Fights with Friends
  2 Rational Relationships
  3 Peers and Pressure
  4 Feedback from Friends
Cognitive Development
  1 Think, Feel, Do
  2 Awesome Outcome
  3 Problem-Solving Skills
  4 Realistic Reasoning
Grade 10
  1 Mirror, Mirror on the Wall
  2 I Am Someone Who
  3 I Hate My Weight
  4 Living Up to an Image
Emotional Development
  1 Changing Feelings
  2 Controlling Confusion
  3 Peeling Away the Layers
  4 Will I Ever Feel Better?
Social Development
  1 Rumors and Relationships
  2 Heartbreak and a Half
  3 Growing Apart
  4 Why Do They Treat Me like This?
Cognitive Development
  1 Gain with Goals
  2 Make a Decision
  3 Weigh the Risks
  4 Dangerous Decisions
Grade 11
  1 Who I Am: Inside and Outside
  2 Down on Myself, Up on Myself
  3 Self-Respect
  4 Becoming Independent
Emotional Development
  1 Help Yourself to Happiness
  2 Let Go of It
  3 Crying on the Inside
  4 De-Stressing Stress
Social Development
  1 I Need You
  2 I Wish They Were Different
  3 Dating "Do's" and "Don'ts"
  4 Romantic Relationships
Cognitive Development
  1 Predict the Outcome
  2 Make a Plan
  3 Rational Thinking
  4 Evaluating Decisions
Grade 12
  1 Self-Assessment
  2 Roles I Play
  3 Self-Abuse
  4 Me and My Future
Emotional Development
  1 It Hurts to Be in Love
  2 I'm Lonely
  3 Ambivalence
  4 Troubling Transitions
Social Development
  1 Please Pick Me
  2 Saying Goodbye
  3 Love You, Love You Not
  4 Parameters with Parents
Cognitive Development
  1 It's a Dilemma
  2 Goals Galore
  3 Big Decisions
  4 Priorities, Please

In-service training or workshops can be provided for your school, facility, or organization. Dr. Vernon’s workshops are engaging, practical, and highly informative. For more information and available dates, please contact:

Ann Vernon, Ph.D.
Phone 520-405-2622

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