Helping Teens Learn Self-Regulation

Lessons, Activities and Worksheets for Teaching the Essentials of Responsible Decision-Making and Self-Control
Pages: 142
ISBN: 9781598501499
Item Number: 8593


This program provides a solid, yet flexible, foundation for intervention with adolescents. The strategies are presented in simple, step-by-step lessons, activities and reproducible worksheets.

These strategies can be used for quick interventions with individual adolescents. They can also be used to create dozens of unique curricula, tailor-made to target specific problem areas for small groups or classrooms in middle and secondary schools. As the term self-regulation suggests, this approach emphasizes teaching teens how to regulate their own emotions and behaviors. The author has split the self-regulation training process into three functional areas: physical, emotional, and cognitive. Using strategies based soundly upon evidence-based cognitive-behavioral psychology, this resource will help you move teens progressively through skill areas in each of these three areas.

Reproducible content for this title are available on our downloads page.

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