
Cyberbullying and Cyberthreats

Responding to the Challenge of Online Social Aggression, Threats, and Distress
Pages: 320
ISBN: 9780878225378
Item Number: 5306

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Here is the new national crisis hotline: 988

988 offers 24/7 access to trained crisis counselors who can help people experiencing mental health-related distress. That could be:

  • Thoughts of suicide
  • Mental health or substance use crisis, or
  • Any other kind of emotion distress

People can call or text 988 or chat for themselves or if they are worried about a loved one who may need crisis support.

988 serves as a universal entry point so that no matter where you live in the United States, you can reach a trained crisis counselor who can help.


Online communications can be extremely cruel and vicious. They can cause great emotional harm and can take place 24/7. Damaging text and images can be widely disseminated and impossible to fully remove.

There are increasing reports of youth suicide, violence, and abduction related to cyberbullying and cyberthreats.

This essential resource provides school counselors, administrators, and teachers with cutting-edge information on how to prevent and respond to cyberbullying and cyberthreats. It addresses real-life situations that often occur as students embrace the Internet and other digital technologies:

  • Sending offensive or harassing messages
  • Disclosing someone’s intimate personal information
  • Breaking into someone’s e-mail account and sending damaging messages under that person’s name
  • Excluding someone from an online group
  • Using the Internet to intimidate

The book includes detailed guidelines for managing in-school use of the Internet and personal digital devices, including cell phones. Extensive reproducible appendices contain forms for assessment, planning, and intervention, as well as a 9-page student guide and 16-page parent guide. An accompanying CD of all the reproducible forms and student handouts is included with the book.


  1. Overview of Cyberbullying and Cyberthreats
    The various forms of abuse and threats young people face in cyberspace.
  2. Cybertechnologies and Activities
    Internet and digital technologies and activities.
  3. Insight and Implications
    Research into traditional bullying and threats of violence or suicide and how this relates to cyberbullying or cyberthreats.
  4. Related Youth High-Risk Online Behavior
    Overview of the additional concerns related to youth high-risk online behavior.
  5. You Can’t See Me – I Can’t See You
    How young people learn to engage in responsible behavior in the real world and how technologies may affect their decision making regarding appropriate choices.
  6. The Limits: Values, Rules, Agreements, and Laws
    Limits on online speech, including family values, school rules, user agreements, civil laws, and criminal laws.
  7. Legal Considerations for Schools
    The law related to cyberbullying and cyberthreats-when can and when should an administrator respond?
  8. Cyberbully and Cyberthreat Situation Review
    A systematic method of reviewing cyberbullying or cyberthreat situations.
  9. Response Actions and Options
    Action options available to the school, as well as to parents and students who are targets of cyberbullying.
  10. Comprehensive Response to Cyberbullying and Cyberthreats
    A school and community-based approach.
  11. Management of Internet and Personal Digital Devices
    Effective policies and practices to manage student use of the Internet and personal digital devices, including cell phones, in school.


  • Cyberbullying or Cyberthreat Situation Review Process
  • School Actions and Options
  • Incident Report and Evaluation Form
  • Comprehensive Plan to Address Cyberbullying and Cyberthreats
  • Student Needs Assessment Survey
  • Staff Needs Assessment Questions
  • Request for Waiver of Principles of Effectiveness
  • District Internet Use Policy
  • Student Internet Use Policy and Agreement
  • Student Guide to Cyberbullying and Cyberthreats (9 pages)
  • Parent Guide to Cyberbullying and Cyberthreats (16 pages)
  • CyberbullyNOT: Stopping Online Social Cruelty

“This book is relevant for what many of our students are facing today. Bullying has been a hot topic for many years; however the whole concept of cyberbullying is relatively a new one. . . . It is prevalent, especially at the middle and high school age groups, and is a concern for all school personnel.”

—Linda Kopec, North Carolina School Counselors Association NEWS

“The preventive stance of this text is an asset, rendering it nearly essential for any North American school district with a sizable student population online (on- as well as off-site). School policy makers may be especially attracted to the book’s 12 appendices. These include reproducible checklists, needs assessments, incident reporting forms, and district and student Internet use policy drafts. Purchasing schools or organizations wishing to modify any of these documents for their own purpose are able to download appendices from the Center for Safe and Responsible Internet Use website. Willard notes that these documents are subject to online update, perpetuating the relevance of her text into the near future, a boon considering the relative youth and rapidly changing nature of its subject.”

—Camille J. Randall, Contemporary Psychology

“Willard first captures the essence of the problem by giving an overview of cyberbullying and cyberthreats (CB/CT). Then, she follow with a cogent review of the relevant literature including the effects of CB/CT on a target’s (i.e., the person being bullied) development and the often cyclical nature of bullying and victimization that follows. She also explains how some youth may get into trouble when using information/communication technologies even though they are markedly more responsible in the real world. That is, Willard helps the reader to understand how technology can change a person’s decision making when allowed to communicate under the veil of anonymity, using a different ‘persona,’ or by leveraging ‘virtual power’ to name a few.”

—Russell A. Sabella, Ph.D., The Prevention Researcher

“The most important element to be found in Willard’s work is the same element that is found in all the best literature concerning traditional bullying. That element is empowerment. So often adults, as well as students, are made to feel powerless in the presence of a social phenomenon that seems to them a ubiquitous and a monumentally inseparable part of social reality. Bullying and systematic social cruelty, in this hopelessly impotent worldview, are merely rites of passage, an unfortunate reality that a certain number of children will have to weather for a miserable period of time in their lives. Willard debunks this worldview with competence and grace, providing strategy after strategy, layer after layer of potential protections and precautions. There is nothing wide-eyed or naïve about any of what she suggests. On the contrary, her suggestions are linked to available research and approach the reader’s common sense
with a sense of plausibility.”

—Laura Loica, Illinois School Psychologists Association Newsletter

“This book is incredibly complete. Besides the informative chapters, there are chapter reference notes and appendixes that provide everything that a school needs to create and implement a plan to address this problem from initial needs assessments for students and staff to use policies and guides for parents as well as students. . . . There is no excess in this superbly written and much-needed professional text. If there is a child and a computer in one’s life, it is a necessary read.”

—C.J. Bott, VOYA, Voice of Youth Advocates

“To help school personnel and others counteract the growing trend of students channeling unacceptable messages and direct threats via digital technologies, Willard (Center for Safe and Responsible Internet Use, Eugene, Oregon) addresses youth high-risk online behavior, insights from research on traditional bullying, and treats of violence, legal issues, and ways to help students engage in responsible behavior.”

Reference & Research Book News

“A highlight of Willard’s text is her overview of the technologies that teens and adults use that provide opportunities for cyberbullying. She covers traditional communications technologies (including e-mail, chat, and text messaging) and peer-to-peer networking and gaming.”

—Linda W. Braun, VOYA, Tag Team Tech columnist

“In my opinion, Cyberbullying and Cyberthreats is the best resource about this important topic. Combines knowledge of technology, educational approaches to youth and parents, and the law. Highly recommended!”

—Stan Davis, author of Schools Where Everyone Belongs

“This book is very thorough and informative for anyone who needs and wants more information about the cyber world, not only the cyber dangers for our youth but anyone involved in any type of Internet interactions. . . . Appendices are substantial and contain many forms for parents and schools to use when making contracts with students/children about Internet use.”

—Kay Herting-Wahl, Ph.D., Minnesota Counseling Association Newsletter

“. . . contains a very helpful Parent’s Guide to Cyberbullying and Cyberthreats as well as an excellent, concise fact sheet entitled CyberbullyNOT: Stopping Online Social Cruelty. There is also a very useful Situation Review Process handout and School Action plan for working with parents and students.”

—Karen Creech, Instructional Technology, Dept. of Public Education, Raleigh, NC

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