(MLHI-3) Multimodal Life History Inventory

Packet of 20 inventories
Third Edition
Pages: 24
ISBN: 9780878227235
Item Number: 4254


This thoroughly revised comprehensive assessment instrument used to evaluate mental health allows clients to provide their therapists with a rich sense of who they are and what difficulties they’re having. MLHI-3 updates the best-selling second edition, a vital resource for mental health professionals.

In addition to its core modality analysis that has been its backbone since the first edition, it now addresses the evolving lifestyle changes and cultural awareness of those changes. This 24-page questionnaire has been expanded from five intake sections to twelve, including the following expanded topics:

  • Increasingly complex gender and psychosexual factors, including more detailed gender identity and sexual orientation;
  • More substance abuse issues, like how much alcohol we drink, whether or not we smoke or take recreational or prescription drugs;
  • Device use and social media habits, including sites or platforms frequented and typical amount of time spent daily;
  • Detailed biological factors, including our eating and exercise habits, if we should lose weight and get more sleep.

MLHI–3 is best used as a self-administered assessment that clients complete as homework. This saves a great deal of valuable session time for actual therapy rather than information gathering.

As the fields of clinical psychology and psychotherapy have evolved during the past 30 years, so has MLHI-3. After years of field-testing, this current edition has been expanded and refined to assess biopsychosocial aspects of people’s functioning and difficulties that are relevant in the current atmosphere.

General Information
Personal and Social History
Description of Main Problems
Expectations Regarding Therapy
Modality Analysis of Current Problems
Feelings and Emotions
Physical Sensations
Mental Images
Interpersonal Relationships
Marriage or Committed Relationships
Sexual Relationships
Other Relationships
Biological Factors
Menstrual History
Erection and Ejaculation History
Personal Inventory
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