
What Works with Teens

A Professional's Guide to Engaging Authentically with Adolescents to Achieve Lasting Change
Pages: 240
ISBN: 9781626250772
Item Number: 8583

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This book focuses on engaging authentically with teens in order to create lasting change. When teens are resistant to help, they may respond by acting defiant, guarded, defensive, rude, or even outright hostile.

In turn, by reasserting authority, an endless power struggle may emerge. So how can a clinician, educator, and other youth counselors break the cycle and start connecting?

Core skills are presented that research shows underlie all effective work with teens. Learn how to engage authentically with teens, create an atmosphere of mutual respect, and use humor to establish a deeper connection. This is the first trans-therapeutic book to provide real tools for creating a positive relationship with teens to help bolster effective treatment.

Whether your background is in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), psychotherapy, or any other treatment background, What Works with Teens offers effective ways to connect with teens.

Praise for What Works with Teens

What Works with Teens is a gift to clinicians-simply a must-read! Offering tremendous insight into the world of the adolescent and adolescent brain, it invites clinicians to thoughtfully approach their work with teens and, in particular, how to facilitate a meaningful and effective relationship. Based on science and the authors’ clear mastery of treating teens, this book provides a comprehensive and sophisticated understanding of what is needed for successful work with teenagers. Presented in a clear and engaging manner, What Works with Teens will leave the clinician prepared and inspired.”

—Bonnie Zucker, PhD, psychologist, author of Anxiety-Free Kids and Take Control of OCD, and coauthor of Resilience Builder Program for Children and Adolescents

“This book provides an invaluable resource for professionals working with adolescents today. As a longtime middle school educator, I applaud its practical applications and strong foundational information. The insights of these two authors are a tremendous contribution to the educational community working with students during these complicated and confusing years.”

—Caroline MacNichol, director of the middle school at Dana Hall School in Wellesley, MA

“Rathbone and Baron are exceedingly talented clinicians who really `get’ teens, and who are well grounded in current thinking about the adolescent brain and teen development. This outstanding book artfully presents their knowledge and clinical wisdom to professionals who work with adolescents. The strong emphasis the authors place on trust, authenticity, acceptance, and respect in dealing with teens is equally relevant to teachers, therapists, counselors, and physicians, all of whose work with young people will be elevated if they study this book.”

—William R. Stixrud, PhD, director of The Stixrud Group, and assistant professor of psychiatry, behavioral sciences, and pediatrics at the George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences

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