
Talks My Mother Never Had With Me

A Loving Mother's Perspective For Young Women
Mentor's Guide
Grades 9-12
Pages: 304
ISBN: 9781929561008
Item Number: 8109

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The mentor’s guide provides easy-to-follow directions for establishing a mentoring program in schools and other settings.

The mentor’s guide includes techniques for recruiting mentors and students, specific instructions on how to guide students through each lesson, discussion questions, and program forms.

The guide also contains the complete text of the student book.

Part I—Dealing With Your Past

  1. Understanding Your Orientation (how you came to be)
  2. Nurture and Admonition (the way you should go)
  3. Siblings: Brothers and Sisters (concerning brotherly and sisterly love)
  4. Your Neighborhood (a place of amazing grace)
  5. Dealing with Deficiencies (filling life’s voids)
  6. Interrupting a Dysfunctional Life-Cycle (right living as a way of life)

Part II—Soul Food (Your Mental and Emotional Diet)

  1. How You See Yourself (the way you think)
  2. What You Say to Yourself (your self-talk)
  3. Why You Do the Things You Do (your behavior)
  4. Recovering from Rejection (healing your feelings)
  5. Dreaming Dreams into Reality (seeing what you believe)

Part III—Personal Management

  1. On Becoming a Woman of Excellence (in speech, life, love, faith and purity)
  2. Shooting from the Lip (running off at the mouth)
  3. Addictions and Controllers (contemporary slave masters)
  4. The Principle of Authority and Submission (r.e.s.p.e.c.t.)
  5. How to Learn When You Feel Your Teacher Doesn’t Like You (staying on task)
  6. I Was Treated Unfairly Today (doing right when you’ve been done wrong)
  7. Free at Last! (deliverance from the pain of the past)

Part IV—The Real Deal Regarding Relationships

  1. You and Your Peers (are you applying pressure or being pressed?)
  2. Not Your Traditional Beauty (appreciating your physical design)
  3. Form and Fashion (DWI: dressing with instructions)
  4. Stop the Pursuit! (controlling your passions)
  5. The Man: A Woman’s Long-Term Project (matters of the heart)

Part V—Claiming Wisdom and Climbing Higher

  1. Profanity is NOT an Exclamation Remark! (disdaining bad language)
  2. Healthy Attitudes About Money (to be secured, saved, shared and spent)
  3. How Grown is Grown? (giving an account of yourself)
  4. On Being a Woman of Color (from personal experience)
  5. Standard English: Spoken by Those Who Do Business (the language of money)

Part VI—Addressing What Lies Ahead

  1. Your Work Ethic (needed: more than a pretty hand)
  2. My First Job (a personal story)
  3. Lifting as You Climb (empowering others)
  4. A Mother Should Teach Her Daughter How to Die Easily (making ready)
  5. The Closing Chapter (the afterword)


  • Student Application
  • Mentor Application
  • Student Contract
  • Mentor Contract
  • Certificate of Completion

In-service training, consultation, or workshops by the author of this program can be provided for your school, facility, church, or organization. For more information and available dates, please contact:

Dr. Ollie Watts Davis
P.O. Box 111
Champaign, Illinois 61824

Phone: 217-352-4628

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