
Talks My Mother Never Had With Me

A Loving Mother's Perspective For Young Women
Mentor's Guide
Grades 5-8
Pages: 256
ISBN: 978-1-92956-103-2
Item Number: 8108

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The mentor’s guide provides easy-to-follow directions for establishing a mentoring program in schools and other settings. 

The mentor’s guide includes techniques for recruiting mentors and students, specific instructions on how to guide students through each lesson, discussion questions, and program forms.

The guide also contains the complete text of the student book.

Part I—Learning to Look for Wisdom

  1. You Are Special (making a good first impression)
  2. Every Girl Needs a Woman in Her World
  3. Family Equals Joy and Pain
  4. Three Kinds of People (the simple, the foolish, and the wise)
  5. Who Do You Act Like?

Part II—Developing a Wise Attitude

  1. Tyler and His Tie-Out (a strong cord of morality)
  2. The Power of a Positive Attitude
  3. Self-Discipline (managing yourself)
  4. Handling Fear (moving forward)
  5. Dealing with Rejection

Part III—Becoming A Wise Scholar

  1. Grades! (are they important?)
  2. My Teacher, My Friend
  3. Understanding How You Learn
  4. Expectations With An Example (an appeal to potential)

Part IV—Becoming a Wise Sister and Friend

  1. Jealousy (an attitude seen in action)
  2. They Made Him MAD! (controlling anger)
  3. Loyalty: What is it? (who needs it?)
  4. BOYS! (are not like girls)
  5. Brothers and Sisters (friends for life)

Part V—Treating Others With Wisdom

  1. Preparing for Your Peer Group (you are not “everybody else”)
  2. Peach People (understanding different cultures)
  3. Payback (taking revenge and getting even)
  4. Trash Talkin’ (is it worth it?)

Part VI—A Little Wisdom Goes a Long Way

  1. Changing Things (the facts of life and the challenges of life)
  2. The Media, Entertainment and Reality
  3. Considering Smoking (don’t!)
  4. What I’m Gonna be When I Grow Up (becoming healthy, wealthy, and wise)

Part VII—Getting Wisdom Going (Forms)

  1. Talks Leadership Statement
  2. Student Application
  3. Mentor Application
  4. Student Contract
  5. Mentor Contract
  6. Certificate of Completion

No One Else Like Me (a song for the mentor and mentee)

In-service training, consultation, or workshops by the author of this program can be provided for your school, facility, church, or organization. For more information and available dates, please contact:

Dr. Ollie Watts Davis
P.O. Box 111
Champaign, Illinois 61824

Phone: 217-352-4628

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