
Getting to Know You!

Social Skills Curriculum for Grades 1-3
Pages: 244
ISBN: 9780932796875
Item Number: 8168

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In the school where this curriculum was field-tested, discipline problems decreased by 75% over a three-year period!

These materials were designed to be used in elementary and middle school classrooms to prevent behavior problems before they occur. The 77 lessons are designed to teach the skills needed for success in seven areas:

  • Classroom Skills
  • Interpersonal Relationships/Friendships
  • Identifying and Expressing Feelings
  • Relieving Stress
  • Making Decisions
  • Replacement Skills for Aggression
  • Self-Acceptance

The curriculum is built around the recommended best practices of establishing the need, modeling the skills, role-playing the skill with feedback, and generalizing the skill through easy-to-teach uniform format activities. Reproducible masters are provided to enhance many of the lessons. This book is spiral bound.

Classroom Skills

  1. Being Prepared for Class
    • Classroom Survival Award


  2. Listening
  3. Following Verbal Directions
  4. Following Written Directions
  5. Ignoring Distractions/Staying on Task
  6. Finishing Assignments
    • Homework Gram
  7. Asking for Assistance or Information
  8. Saying Please and Thank You
  9. Participating in Discussions
  10. Working Effectively with a Partner
  11. Finishing Our Work, Finding Something to Do
  12. Interrupting

Friendship Skills

  1. Trying When it is Hard
  2. Introducing Yourself to Peers and Adults
    • Friendship Award
  3. Recognizing Other’s Facial Expressions
    • Expressing My Feelings Award
  4. Starting a Conversation
  5. Finishing a Conversation
  6. Inviting Someone to Play
  7. Joining in a Group Activity
  8. Playing a Game by the Rules
  9. Waiting Your Turn
  10. Sharing
  11. Asking a Favor
  12. Complimenting
  13. Receiving a Compliment
  14. Telling the Truth
  15. Saying You are Sorry
  16. How to Help a Classmate
  17. Reacting to Teasing

Expressing Feelings

  1. Identify Your Feelings
  2. Showing Your Feelings
  3. Recognizing Another’s Feelings
  4. Showing Concerns for Another’s Feelings
  5. Seven Common Emotions

Relieving Stress

  1. Overcoming Boredom
    • Dealing with Stress Award
  2. Stating a Complaint
  3. Answering a Complaint
  4. Losing is Learning/Showing Sportsmanship
  5. Dealing with Being Excluded
  6. Handling Embarrassment
  7. Handling Failure
  8. Accepting “No”
  9. Saying “No”
  10. Relaxing
  11. Handling Group Pressure
  12. Wanting Other’s Possessions
  13. Knowing When to Tell
  14. Wanting to be First

Making Decisions

  1. Determine What Caused the Problem
  2. Whose Problem Is It?
  3. Sharing Problems with Others
  4. Accepting Responsibility Versus Blaming Others
  5. Consequences of Choices and Decision Making
  6. Differences Between Major and Minor Problems
  7. Most Problems Have Several Solutions
  8. Some Problems Don’t Have Good Outcomes
  9. Setting Goals and Collecting Data
  10. Making the Best Decision

Replacement Skills

  1. Practicing Self-Control
  2. Avoiding Poor Choices
  3. Avoiding Fights
  4. Expressing Your Anger
  5. Relating to Another’s Anger
  6. Responding to Accusations
  7. Negotiating
  8. Overreacting
  9. Recognizing What Makes You Lose Control
  10. Deciding If It’s Fair


  1. Everyone is Different
  2. What are My Strengths and Weaknesses?
  3. How is Being Unique Important?
  4. Recognizing How People Change
  5. It’s Normal to Make Mistakes
  6. It’s Not Necessary for Everyone to Like You
  7. Self Put Downs are Damaging
  8. Are You What People Say?
  9. Trying or Doing Your Best
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