
Everyday Parenting

A Professional's Guide to Building Family Management Skills
Pages: 210
ISBN: 9780878226580
Item Number: 5599

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Continuing the tradition of Gerald Patterson’s classic best-seller Living with Children, the Everyday Parenting program can be used for guiding individual family therapy, leading parent groups, and training counselors to work collaboratively with parents.

This session-based approach is divided into three areas of skills based on the concept of mindful parenting: supporting positive behavior, setting healthy limits, and building family relationships by helping parents change interaction patterns that occur daily in families and relationships.

The Everyday Parenting curriculum is an adaption of the social learning approach to parent training and family therapy and is based on an intervention model developed at the Oregon Social Learning Center. The curriculum emphasizes ways to support changes in families’ social interaction patterns to help reduce problem behavior in children and adolescents. Reproducibles are available as a download on our website.


Overview: Everyday Parenting Curriculum


  1. Positive Behavior Support: Parent Requests and Child Cooperation
  2. Positive Behavior Support: Parent Praise for Positive Behavior
  3. Behavior-Change Plans: Instruction and Incentives
  4. Behavior-Change Plans: Reviewing, Revising, and Reducing Barriers to Change
  5. Monitoring Daily Activities: Daily Structure and Listening
  6. SANE Guidelines for Limit Setting: Identifying Consequences and Monitoring Questions
  7. Proactive Limit-Setting Plan: Giving Consequences and Ignoring Mild Problem Behavior
  8. Limit-Setting Challenges and Emotion Regulation
  9. Improving Family Relationships with Negotiation
  10. Choosing Solutions to Family Problems
  11. Proactive Parenting and Planning: Positive Routines That Reduce Stress
  12. Shared Family Routines: Communication Skills That Promote Engagement and Enjoyment

Appendix: Child and Family Feedback Form

About the Authors

Reproducible forms and handouts for this title are available on our downloads page.

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