Social Decision Making/Social Problem Solving(SDM/SPS): A Curriculum for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning

Hot Topic: Improving Student Focus

Daniel Goleman’s book Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence, just released, reminds us that focus in all its variants is essential to a well-lived life. In the Social Decision Making/Social Problem Solving (SDM/SPS) curriculum, Dr. Maurice J. Elias and others include numerous lessons to improve student focus.

Identified as a model and promising program by the U.S. Department of Education’s Safe and Drug Free Schools, the SDM/SPS program consists of four volumes filled with detailed instructions for enhancing student focus and strengthing other social-emotional competencies.

You can view a sample of SDM/SPS lessons related to the critical topic of focus here. For full details about the SDM/SPS program, see book pages for the following specific grade levels:

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