The Relaxation & Stress Reduction Workbook for Kids

Help for Children to Cope with Stress, Anxiety, and Transitions
Pages: 144
ISBN: 9781572246553
Item Number: 8427


Children pay close attention to their parents’ moods. When parents feel upset, their kids may become anxious, and when parents wind down, children also get the chance to relax.

When you feel overwhelmed and stressed, it can be hard to help your child feel balanced. The Relaxation & Stress Reduction Workbook for Kids, written by two child therapists, offers more than 50 activities you can do together as a family to help you and your child replace stressful and anxious feelings with feelings of optimism, confidence, and joy.

You’ll learn proven relaxation techniques, including deep breathing, guided imagery, mindfulness, and yoga, and then receive guidance for teaching them to your child. Your child will also discover how taking time to do art and creative projects can create a sense of fulfillment and calm. By completing just one ten-minute activity from this workbook each day, you’ll make relaxation a family habit that will stay with both you and your child for a lifetime.

The book is divided into two parts. Part 1 explains why stress is a problem for children. It provides activities to help parents and children reduce stress in their daily lives and become more resilient. Part 2 helps children and their parents customize 10-minute relaxation exercises for daily use.

Chapter 1: Reducing Stress in Your Home
Chapter 2: Don’t Let Stress Get You Down
Chapter 3: Correct Breathing: A Key to Relaxation
Chapter 4: Relaxing Through Guided Imagery
Chapter 5: Mindfulness: A New Way to Deal with Stress
Chapter 6: Yoga for Kids
Chapter 7: Playing to Relax
Chapter 8: Relaxing Through Art
Chapter 9: Laugh to Relax, Then Laugh Some More
Appendix: More Ways to Relax and Reduce Stress
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