Everybody Gets Angry!

A Year's Worth of Activities to Help Kids Control Their Anger
Pages: 106
ISBN: 9781566887427
Item Number: 8282


A “Year’s Worth of Activities to Help Kids Control Their Anger,” this fun-filled book is packed with 52 reproducible activities to help youngsters grades 4-8 learn to identify, understand, express, and cope with their angry feelings.

The hands-on activities use art, music, drama, and movement and are designed to get kids thinking about their own anger cues and the way in which they express their anger. You won’t run out of activities to help youngsters focus on gaining control of their anger before it takes control of them.

This book is spiral-bound and also includes a CD containing all reproducible handouts.


  1. The Machine
  2. Musical Mood
  3. Smileys, Smileys, Smileys
  4. Fill in the Blanks
  5. Tower of Cooperation
  6. Anger Collage
  7. A Picture of Anger
  8. Explosion
  9. Step Outside the Box
  10. Make It Happen
  11. Masks
  12. Angry Scale
  13. Angry Animals
  14. What’s So Funny
  15. Metamorphosis
  16. Resolution-tees
  17. Its’ A Rap!
  18. The Angry Dance
  19. Anger Ball
  20. Pound It Out!
  21. A Heated Discussion
  22. Who Needs Real Words?
  23. Seat Ball
  24. Personal Interview Show
  25. Gestures
  26. Secrets
  27. Knock-Knock
  28. Step Outside Yourself
  29. “I” Messages
  30. The Empty Box
  31. The Behavior Market
  32. The Magic Stone
  33. If the Shoe Fits
  34. Scenarios: Getting Started
  35. Scenarios: Map Out A Plot
  36. Scenarios: The Play
  37. Relaxation I
  38. Relaxation II
  39. Talking To Myself
  40. The Sentence
  41. Do What I Say
  42. Assertiveness
  43. Anger At The World
  44. I Could Just
  45. Yes or No
  46. Gibberish
  47. The List
  48. The Mediator
  49. Let It go
  50. Pillows
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